Заказ самолета EMPTY LEG
The experience of air transportations shows that 40% of times airline companies need to relocate their airplanes from one place to another when the jets are empty. This happens due to the fact that the aircraft needs to fly back to its home airport right after finishing its scheduled flight.
These kind of flights are called Empty Legs.
This RusVipAvia program Empty Legs offers a private jet flight that is initially scheduled to fly empty. This is an excellent chance to save up to 70% of the cost that is otherwise charged for renting an airplane. In business aviation, Empty Legs is a potential financial loss for the company, but on the other hand, for an experienced client this is an opportunity to take a convenient flight with the same level of service, safety and speed.
If the route is at least partially coinciding with the Empty Legs one, our managers at RusVipAvia will correct the destination of the flight with respect to your needs and desires.
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